Don't get me wrong, I love breakfast and sunrises, but a big reason why I love those is probably because I don't get to experience them that much. & I'd like to keep it that way, thankyouverymuch.
Anyway, the reason why I'm ranting is because I have a morning class. And I always miss it because I never wake up. --Like seriously, I've missed 1 and a half quizzes (half because I was late and I was only able to answer the last two numbers) and my midterms. Luckily, I was able to obtain a medical certificate from my uncle. Apparently, I had diarrhea that day. (My brother was the one that thought of the excuse) So, every Monday and Thursday, I literally have to drag myself out of bed just to get to my first class. And I hate it.
P.S. This post has no point whatsoever, so don't try looking for one. If you look up, you'll see it says "People complain that I complain too much" and not "People complain that I complain too much, but I'm really trying to be a better person by making a blog as an outlet for my complaints" NO. None of that shizzz. In fact, I like complaining. It's a big part of who I am. So fuck off. TY.
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