Everything was going so well, until everything started falling apart. HA HA 2012 YOU HAVE SUCH A SICK SENSE OF HUMOR. On the 5th, Julio's (my lappy) back cover started peeling off. My warranty ended last September, but I had no choice. Dad took him to the Power Mac Store. Thank God it was really a problem of this type of Macbook, so it was covered by a special type of warranty. On the 8th, my phone died in Cebu. Yes, okay, it was partly my fault, but still. Now was the worst possible time to not have my contacts and a qwerty phone. It's freakin' Danz Dish season for goodness sakes! And last but not least, I crashed my car on the 11th. This was 140% my fault. I was pretty drunk and I was checking my phone. Boom. Crashed into a post. (Which I thought I didn't hit, by the way) And swerved on to the pavement. And a canal. Tire exploded, damaged my mags, broke the suspension, chassis and even the battery (no idea, but thats what the mechanic told my dad) Anyway, long story short, the right side of my car was hit pretty bad. I am an epic fail.
And now I have this money. Not a lot, but a fairly decent amount, which will all go down the drain because of all the shit I've been doing with my life. Yes, I have to pay for the damages. As well as purchase a new phone because the one I'm using now is my sister's old phone, which turns itself off on a constant basis. I won't even feel this money. It will prolly slip through my fingers like ice on a warm summer day.
Now I am grounded. Indefinitely. I'm not allowed to drive, drink, or even go out. I seriously had better expectations for this year. I just hope to God this won't be how my whole year will be. Please please please don't let it be this way.
I think I need a sunrise. I'm tired of the sunset.
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