I hate that I'm still bothered by comments like this. I've had people say more hurtful shit about me (like how I'm a bitch or a flirt or even a liar), but I can't seem to shake this off as easily as the others. Maybe 'cause somehow I feel that it reflects how my parents raised me. & I know for a fact that they raised me well and don't deserve such negative feedback about their offspring. My parents taught me how to be confident to the extent of my abilities, but I know I still have a lot to learn. Ask anyone. I even underestimate myself. In fact, I know there will always be someone better and more equipped than me. So if there's something I know for sure I can do well, you better bet your ass I'll do it better than well! And if that comes off as arrogant, then I'm sorry.
So, words of advice, if you don't know me, don't judge me. Yes, I've done stupid things just to get my way, but really, who hasn't?
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