My November Project: I recently came across this quote on tumblr, and it became my inspiration for my self portrait. Little did I know that it would mean so much more to me after I finished.
Last Saturday, something, or rather, someone, came back into my life. I don't know for what reason or purpose, but it definitely hit some nerves. At one point during the night, I'm pretty sure that I was so overwhelmed by the rush of emotions that I didn't even know what to feel anymore.
But now that it's over, I know completely where I stand. First of all, you no longer have the privilege to talk to me like the way you do. Your sweet words could have fooled the old me, but the me now knows exactly what those are. Just words. Second, you have this way to make me feel like it's my fault. And sometimes, I even believe you. That is until I snap back into reality and remember that you were the one that walked out on me. All the time, when I remember what happened, I ask myself what I did wrong, when in fact, I didn't do anything to deserve what you put me through. Third, I don't understand why you keep wanting to try again. It will never work. NEVER. & honestly, it's not even worth it to try.
You can't just waltz back into people's lives, expect them care, and then check out again. That's not how it works. & True, I would've chased you then, but after countless times of you letting me down, you no longer have the right to string me along.
So listen here, and listen good, I will always have a soft spot for you. I will always care for you and maybe even twitch a little every time I see you out with another girl. And whether I like it or not, I will always love you. But know this, I won't ever go back to you. The way you hurt me will stay with, if not forever, then for a long long time.
You asked me why I so strong, and I didn't lie when I said it was because of you. And I didn't mean it in a positive way. What I meant was that my love for you almost killed me. And I knew that if I wanted to survive, I had to toughen up. So I built walls and guarded my heart.
I hope you meant it when you said you loved me. And if you truly cared for me, please do this one thing. Just let me go.
Why can't I just be a robot! That way, things wouldn't be so complicated.
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