1 Corinthians 10:13

on Monday, June 11, 2012
Please read my previous post to know what this is about.

My dad raised us to never ever give up. And because of that, I've even had instances when people would tell me that I have a high tolerance for pain. For me, it was never about pride or being too competitive (okay, maybe a little), but more than anything, it was just because it was instilled in me since I was young. I never really knew anything else.

Sitting in the car with my dad saying, "I just really don't know what to do, Lord." over and over and finally ending it with "I give up." after countless sighs, I couldn't even feel anything. I wasn't sad. I wasn't even mad. Just.. that I actually felt the same exact way.

Here we were, two people that practically lived by the motto of never giving up, giving up. For the both of us to give up must mean that we've both hit our limits. I was hurting. After everything that has happened, I just felt helpless. I didn't know what to do anymore. And even if I wanted to go on, I didn't know where to. And I looked at my dad. I wanted more than anything else to tell him not to give up. But before I could, he put himself together and found a solution.

When I got home, I opened my book of answers. This is what it said: No testing has overtaken you that is not common to everyone. God is faithful, and he will not let you be tested beyond your strength, but with the testing he will also provide the way out so that you may be able to endure it.

Even after everything that I went through, after everything went wrong, I still can't help but feel thankful. I have never felt so loved in my life.


I had a string of bad luck happen to me over the weekend. It basically all started when I lost my phone. Or rather, it was stolen from me. (P.S. Boo you whoever you are that stole it. Not cool, man.) & it was pretty much down hill from there. I accidentally (with the help of a rather drunk friend) ripped a 500 peso bill. On my way home, I was low on gas (and cash!) and had to drive home gangsta-style, windows down, which actually wasn't so bad since it was around 3 or 4 in the morning, but that's besides the point 'cause I was seriously praying my car wouldn't just stop in the middle of the highway or whatever. Oh, but I got home safe, if ever you're wondering.

The next day, I got my period. (TMI on the internet, but who cares. I'm trying to prove a point.) And guess what. We were out of napkins. & tissue paper. Imagine waking up to blood and a hangover. Worst combination ever. In the afternoon, I decided to pick up my new sim card from Globe. I got there 10 minutes to 5, but they were already closed. SERIOUSLY?! When I got back to the car, it wouldn't start. (Please read next post to know more about this.) The battery was dead. My mom had to drive to us with jumper cables.

Seriously. GU. Give up.