My thoughts keep me awake at night.

on Tuesday, May 28, 2013
Are you single?

Probably the worst thing any twenty-something could hear, even from the nicest of persons --your grandmother, the next door neighbor, that childhood friend you grew apart from.

Who knew that three innocent words, when placed in a particular order, could haunt even the strongest of people? In this case, me, in particular. I wrote earlier today that I came in for a job interview. What I forgot to mention was that I was actually asked that specific question: "Are you single?"

My very first thought was probably, If I get the job or not, will it matter if I'm single? which somehow escalated to Will it even matter if I live out the rest of my life single? I mean, I've lived out the first quarter of my life "technically" single. What's another few decades? *Cue literally any Adele song*

So, to the reason why I'm still single: I hope you're single as well. Because when I finally meet you, 2 weeks, or 1 year, or even 10 years down the road, I will let you know that on this day, you have kept me from sleep. You have kept me waiting and allowed my thoughts to get the better of me. And at the very least, if you're also single at this very moment, I could have the pleasure of believing that you're awake as well. Maybe even thinking about meeting me.

So please please please be single. Right now. With me.

1 arguments:

Anonymous said...

:) I'll let him read this in the future. hihi. He will come. Have faith, love. :* - Your friendly neighbour haha

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