Today's Complaint: Commuting!

on Monday, October 3, 2011
Yesterday I had dinner plans with 2 of my girlfriends. We planned to meet at Shang 'cause I was coming from work, which is in Chino Roces, Makati, and I was only taking the train since my sister had the car with her all the way in Alabang. I thought, sure, fine, the train wasn't so bad. Boy, was I wrong.

I mean, I'm used to commuting. In fact, I used to commute all the time before I got driving privileges. --What can I say, I'm spoiled.

Anyway, for some crazy reason, the train was EXTRA full that night. One of my thesis mates, Gail, almost didn't make it out the Ayala Station. And when I got to my stop, I got one foot out of the door before a stampede pushed me back inside. Thank God this old man saw me and grabbed hold of my wrist and pulled me out. It was one crazy train ride. I HATE RUSH HOUR.

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