Ahh fuck.

on Friday, December 30, 2011
I didn't want to complain anymore, but what the hell. I'm annoyed. My brother planned this Ace Water Spa day for this morning. I didn't even know it was a 'big' thing or whatever so I didn't really think about it. I slept in a little late last night (around 4 am) because I was writing resolutions and reminiscing about 2011. When this morning came (around 9 am) my dad was waking everyone up telling us to get dressed etc, etc. No one was getting up. Then he started asking, "Are you coming?" I woke up a little bit just enough to say no and went back to sleep. Next thing you know he's trying to drag me out of bed telling me to get dressed.

Now, here's what I'm annoyed at. 1) You don't ask people something and assume the answer. He asked if I was coming and I said no. Case closed. Don't tell me otherwise. 'Cause then, what's the point of asking?! and 2) I'm not a morning person. EVERYONE KNOWS THAT. I don't like getting up and being rushed in the morning unless I really really need to. I'm particular about how I shower and what I wear. You can't expect me to shower 5 minutes and wear whatever just because you're rushing to go out. If you want to go out, go the fuck out. I want to sleep in so leave me alone. And what's super annoying was 3) On their way out I could hear them saying shit about me. Like how I was so corny and that I never go out with my family etc, etc. First of all, I'm really not in the mood to swim, okay. And second, i've been home a lot and it's not like they're eager to bond with me. So what the fuck is all this crap about how we never hang out or whatever? I'm always home. They're always out. If you want to hang out, then stay the fuck at home and talk to me. I don't understand why we have to go out.

Anyway, I'm going back to sleep. This just totally ruined my morning.

22 years and counting.

on Tuesday, December 27, 2011
My sister gave me this brazilian wish bracelet, or "Fitas do Senhor do Bonfim da Bahia" as they are commonly known in Brazil, awhile back. You're supposed to make 3 knots and make a wish for every knot you make. I made 3 wishes, which were:

1) A good year for LSDC-Street
2) For BTG to win best thesis
3) A boyfriend

Only one of those wishes has come true. LSDC had a championship sweep this year. --Winning 4 out of 4 competitions! It's impossible for my second wish to come true because I already finished working on my thesis. And it did not go very well 'cause of a certain panelist from A.S.&S., but I did manage to get a 4.0 GPA, so thank God. As for my third wish.. well, let's just say I won't be changing my Facebook status from Single to In A Relationship anytime soon.

I turned 22 this year. And it must be some record that I'm still single in some parallel universe (Yeah, I know some people that have been single for much longer that's why I said in a different dimension). And to be perfectly honest, I'm starting to wonder why. Don't worry, I don't mean any of that bullshit like: "maybe i'm ugly", "i'm too fat", "nobody wants me 'cause I have a strong personality", "i'm funnier than most boys and they don't like that" --NO, THAT'S NOT IT.

I mean, come on. Yes, I've had strong connections with boys. Yes, I've been close to having a relationship. Yes, I've kissed a boy. Hell, I've even kissed a lot of boys. But that's not what I meant. On the exterior, I'm good. Or even, great. I'm not as socially awkward as some and I'd like to think I'm not that bad looking either. So what's the problem, you ask? Well, I think it's more on the interior. The emotional aspect of it all. I don't mean to quote Mila Kunis, but "I'm emotionally damaged."

When I was younger, they told me to play hard to get. To not let boys in my life unless they tried hard enough. One by one they moved on and I was left alone because I never really thought any of them were trying enough. As I got older, I decided to take risks. To do crazy things like fall for the guy that could make me smile and give him a part of me I sheltered away, safe and hidden. I got my heart broken and I know it's been too long, but he'll always be the one I subconsciously compare everyone I meet to. And as I continue on to adulthood, I'm back to guarding my heart, meaning what's left of it, and putting up walls to keep people out.

I guess I'm back to square one. I wonder how long i'll be on this cycle of getting my heart broken.. Anyway, I'm considering letting someone in again, but not after I give my ultimatums. If someone wants to be with me, like really be with me, and not just for feel good moments and impulsive nights, I like to think that he'll make a way. Even when everything is against his favor. I may be a sappy closet romantic, but hey, I need to believe that real love really is out there. 'Cause if not, then what else do I look forward to in a world full of chaos and strife?

I understand that no one's perfect. But why can't anyone at least come close?

I don't know why I wrote this post. I guess the christmas vibes are gone.


on Sunday, December 11, 2011
My best friend Alex and I have this oral contract with each other that we're only getting 5 tats max. And they all have to be matching. I mean, the design is the same, but the placement can differ. We currently have 2 out of 5.

One is 'sic transit gloria mundi', which means 'thus passes worldly glories', on my lower back, right side (hers on the opposite side) and the other is a broken infinity on my right rib cage (hers on the left, in white ink).

So I've been thinking about getting another for awhile now. Like, almost 2 or 3 months, I think. I wanted to get an outline of a swallow with the word freedom on it, but Alex doesn't want to get a bird. Well, she does have a point that everyone seems to have a bird (a swallow, nonetheless).

I made this around 2 months ago, I think. I really wanted it, but if Alex doesn't want, then I can't. :(

Yesterday, I saw my friend Gio. He was sporting a new tat behind his ear. A bunch of smaller triangles that form one triangle. I loved it! Believe it or not, it's my favorite shape. And yes, I do have a favorite shape, shut up. I am so jealous! I really want another one. Like now. :(

My next choices are:
1. The word 'honesty' on left ring finger
2. A paper plane tattoo on my forearm
3. A diamond on my nape
4. An anchor on the top of my right foot

Others that I haven't thought of where to put yet:
1. A cross
2. A triangle
3. An empty speech bubble (I've always been fascinated by words. And somehow, I've found comfort in words left unsaid.)

Trippy ideas:
1. Connect the dots (Imagine, you can trace that everyday! And if you don't, they just look like dots/moles strategically placed on your body)
2. A baby elephant (Just because it's adorable!!)
3. Anything CMYK related (Like the bleed areas in newspapers and magazines. I don't know what you call those..)

Well, that's definitely more than 5. AAAAHHHHH What to do, what to do. I WANT MORE. Well, being the impulsive person that I am, I might just get a random tattoo (that isn't even on my list) one of these days.

That's it. It's official. I've gone bonkers.

Who am I?

on Monday, December 5, 2011
I know I just posted a couple of minutes ago, but I found this in one of my folders and I remember writing it a month ago. I meant to post it, but for some weird reason, I didn't have internet connection that day so I saved it on word.

Let me tell you what kind of person I am before you let me in your life and ruin everything.

I don’t like doing things that everyone does.
Which is why I join and quit things quite a lot & it’s also why I am attracted to everything bad for me.

For that reason exactly. They’re bad for you, therefore not everyone does them. I like feeling independent and having something separate from what everyone expects of me. I don’t like them to overlap and intersect because I like having somewhere I can run to if other things fall apart.

I’m selfish, but not competitive.
Which is also why I settle, most every time I am faced with situations that require me to be competitive.

I want things to be mine and mine alone, yet if I find that you aspire the same things I want, I will eagerly back off. I can’t deal with losing and rejection. And this is my way of avoiding it.

I’m scared to want things.
Which is actually why I don’t know what I want 99% of the time.

It’s embedded into my mind that wanting things is a sure waste of my time for 2 reasons. 1) Expectations. You build it up in your head that you’ll get it & when you don’t, it crushes you like ice in a snow cone. 2) It’s true, good things do happen, but only temporarily. When you’re happiest is when you’re most vulnerable. Getting something also means you’ll have the opportunity to lose it.

I'm very fickle.
I'm impulsive and spontaneous and I swear you'll never have to worry about having a boring conversation, but you better make sure you're ready for it. I don't change for anyone. And if you fuck with me, you will never see me again. Yeah, I'm not really keen on revenge, but you never really know. I can change my mind in an instant.

I know who I am and who I'm not. Please don't tell me otherwise.

I've come to realize that my blog is slowly moving away from complaints and into some serious stuff. Yes people, I am human. Hopefully this won't turn against me and bite me in the ass in the future.

Take credit for your work or someone else will.

I wasn't able to blog at all the whole month of November. I think it's safe to say I was hella busy. I had thesis to work on and think about and all my extra time was either used for sleeping or drinking --or both. Anyway, now that that's all over, I just wanted to start an archive of some sort of some of the things I've done in the past. The advertising industry is a competitive one, and believe it or not, EVERYTHING has been done before. The best way to get ahead is to know how to hide your sources.

For my thesis, I, together with my thesis group, had to make a 360 degree campaign for Lexus. Here are some of the stuff I worked on:

I edited these two pictures (that are stock images that I obtained from the agency)

And turned them into these print ads for my thesis:

A week ago, my friend also asked me to make her some infographics for her org and here are how they turned out:

It's for this movement against health inequalities in the Philippines under the non-profit organization, Project Laan.

Since I have no choice but to live/breathe advertising, I even end up making posters for block beach trips and the like.

It's super random, I know, but I need to keep my creative juices flowing!
Awhile back, I had a subject that focused on events. For our final project, we had to make an actual event, and being the wild college students that we were, we decided to make a party stocked with free flowing booze and good times.

Here's the poster (sans sponsors and other distracting details) for that event:

Last year, I helped a friend out by making her demo class poster. She teaches dance and really needed the advertisements on Facebook.

I made her poster, as well as her accompanying profile pic.

I don't really have my own a camera, but I do try to my hand at photography once in awhile. I've been lucky enough to be in the right place at the right time.

I also make random stuff for LSDC-Street. Sometimes for fun, other times, because I have to. It's not so bad.

My, my, how time flies. I'm pretty sure I've done more than what I've posted above, but this post is becoming quite lengthy. Maybe I'll save it for another rainy day.

Today's Complaint: Feelings.

on Sunday, October 30, 2011

My November Project: I recently came across this quote on tumblr, and it became my inspiration for my self portrait. Little did I know that it would mean so much more to me after I finished.

Last Saturday, something, or rather, someone, came back into my life. I don't know for what reason or purpose, but it definitely hit some nerves. At one point during the night, I'm pretty sure that I was so overwhelmed by the rush of emotions that I didn't even know what to feel anymore.

But now that it's over, I know completely where I stand. First of all, you no longer have the privilege to talk to me like the way you do. Your sweet words could have fooled the old me, but the me now knows exactly what those are. Just words. Second, you have this way to make me feel like it's my fault. And sometimes, I even believe you. That is until I snap back into reality and remember that you were the one that walked out on me. All the time, when I remember what happened, I ask myself what I did wrong, when in fact, I didn't do anything to deserve what you put me through. Third, I don't understand why you keep wanting to try again. It will never work. NEVER. & honestly, it's not even worth it to try.

You can't just waltz back into people's lives, expect them care, and then check out again. That's not how it works. & True, I would've chased you then, but after countless times of you letting me down, you no longer have the right to string me along.

So listen here, and listen good, I will always have a soft spot for you. I will always care for you and maybe even twitch a little every time I see you out with another girl. And whether I like it or not, I will always love you. But know this, I won't ever go back to you. The way you hurt me will stay with, if not forever, then for a long long time.

You asked me why I so strong, and I didn't lie when I said it was because of you. And I didn't mean it in a positive way. What I meant was that my love for you almost killed me. And I knew that if I wanted to survive, I had to toughen up. So I built walls and guarded my heart.

I hope you meant it when you said you loved me. And if you truly cared for me, please do this one thing. Just let me go.

Why can't I just be a robot! That way, things wouldn't be so complicated.

Today's Complaint: Being misunderstood.

on Thursday, October 27, 2011
Some people mistake my confidence for arrogance. I'm not saying I'm perfect or anything, but I guess I just know what I want (in most cases). And sometimes, I rub off the wrong way with some people. I'm sorry for being upfront, but I'm brutally honest.

I hate that I'm still bothered by comments like this. I've had people say more hurtful shit about me (like how I'm a bitch or a flirt or even a liar), but I can't seem to shake this off as easily as the others. Maybe 'cause somehow I feel that it reflects how my parents raised me. & I know for a fact that they raised me well and don't deserve such negative feedback about their offspring. My parents taught me how to be confident to the extent of my abilities, but I know I still have a lot to learn. Ask anyone. I even underestimate myself. In fact, I know there will always be someone better and more equipped than me. So if there's something I know for sure I can do well, you better bet your ass I'll do it better than well! And if that comes off as arrogant, then I'm sorry.

So, words of advice, if you don't know me, don't judge me. Yes, I've done stupid things just to get my way, but really, who hasn't?

Today's Complaint: When words fall short.

on Sunday, October 23, 2011
Last Friday was my last day for my on-the-job training (OJT). To be perfectly honest, I'm still not sure how I feel about it. Maybe it'll hit me tomorrow, when I realize it's Monday and that I'm not groggy and up early to face Makati traffic head on. Maybe i'll just lay in bed a couple of more minutes longer than I usually do and just stare. Until it hits me that I have to get up and continue working on my thesis. My damn thesis that I can't seem to voluntarily work it. I literally have to force myself to think about it.

But before anymore thesis-related complaints, I think I'm gonna reminisce a bit first about Saatchi. It was one hell of an experience. 200 hours was definitely not enough. The people were so ordinary, yet extremely brilliant. Their thoughts.. Their ideas.. it made me insanely jealous. I don't know if they knew it or not, but there was a certain way they spoke of them. If you paid close enough attention, you'd hear that little hint of passion in their voices and even see it through their small hand gestures.

Advertising is definitely not a glamorous job, but I understand why people make it out to be. The people in the industry may complain that the hours suck, the pay is low, the workload is intense, but in the end, they stick to it. They seem to really love what they do, and one day, I hope to be just as lucky. And if unfortunately I end up somewhere else, then I'm glad I was given 200 hours to bask in the greatness of some of the most talented, witty, crazy, badass, socially-awkward, awesome, sabaw, intense, inspiring, and passionate people in the industry.

We made little thank you cards that we gave out during our last day. I even hand-wrote the "thank you" that is written in on top to personalize it even a bit more. --That, and 'cause I couldn't find a font that fit the damn thought bubbles perfectly.

Here's a picture of my thesis group talking about our account. Maaan, I'm gonna miss the bar! I wish I took a picture of the sexy bar stools. I'll probably just do that when we visit next Thursday.

My humble companions that kept me sane. I lost my lighter on our third week and practically borrowed non-stop from kuya guard and my other officemates. I'm sorry for bumming! & don't worry, I already bought myself a shiny new cricket.

There's still a lot I wish I could've said to some people in the office. Thank you for teaching me more than I could ever have learned from school. You are definitely one of the nicest people I have ever met in my life. I'm sorry if I ever offended you. I hope we're not awkward from that Friday night. Please father my future children. (Okay, that last one was a joke. A little.) But the thing with words is that sometimes it falls short. So what I'm gonna do instead is offer up my thesis to all those people in the office who changed my life. Hopefully we (my group mates and I) learned enough to win best thesis and make you all proud.

So, I'm not really sure if this was a complaint, but I just felt the need to write so bugger off. This is my blog. Go away.

Today's Complaint: Girl Stuff.

on Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Yesterday was my parents' 25th wedding anniversary. It was quite legendary, and extremely cheesy, but that's not what I'm complaining about. What I actually wanted to write about was the lengths girls go through each and everyday.

I woke up at 6.30 am took a shower and got dressed --like literally, I wore a dress. I put some make-up on (over the make-up I still had from the previous night) and got my heels out of its box. I went through my hair with a flat iron and then headed to work.

The mass my parents arranged was at 4 pm. So by this time, I had already been wearing my heels for a mere 8 hours. No biggie. (I hope you know I'm being sarcastic.) Afterwards, there was a small celebration at our place. Luckily, I was allowed to change into shorts and more comfortable footwear. BUT, the damage had already been done. My pinky toes were already dead. --Not in the literal sense, I didn't have to cut them off or anything, if that's what you're thinking, you morbid person, you.

Anyway, I guess what I'm trying to say is that girls have it way worse than boys. Boys can just hop in the shower, put on some clean underwear and they're good! Girls on the other hand have to make a million and one decisions --what top/bottom/shoes go with what, what color/print/style go with what, what make-up to use, what way to style your hair-- even before leaving the house! It's crazy. And we even pay for it! My feet hurt until now and my waterproof mascara, which was an advantage yesterday, still won't come off.

Why why why do we torture ourselves?! Oh, I know. 'Cause some dude (I'm assuming a man invented make-up and high heeled shoes because there's no way in hell a woman would invent something that would cause so much pain) probably thought it was funny to give girls more shit to think about other than their monthly period and the pains of giving birth. So, thank you. Whoever you are (for make-up, you're most likely Egyptian, according to Wiki).


First non-complaint.

on Thursday, October 6, 2011

I don't usually do this, blog about non-complaints. I mean, this is a blog dedicated to my complaints and having to write about something that isn't a rant would just seem.. meaningless. But I'm going to make an exemption. Just this one time.

I grew up in a household that gave high importance to computers and technology in general. The family business greatly relied on it, and I was, and still am, thankful for all the innovations Steve Jobs gave us through Apple. I may not have known the man personally, but somehow, his life and his work paved the way for me to be where I am today. I've been an Apple user for around 7 years, before white earphones were cool and everyone had a start bar instead of a dock. Apple exposed me to a clean and simple interface that had a sleek design. Because of that, I became interested in graphics and typography. Today, I find myself in Advertising, which I have Steve to thank for.

So, I'm joining the bandwagon. --Along with 1,000,000++ loyal fans that blogged about Steve Jobs. He's that brilliant. To be honest, I didn't want to conform by writing just another regular tribute. I tried thinking of other ways, such as going to the nearest Apple store and impulsively buying myself an iPhone 4 to replace my current spider-webbed screen phone, but due to my lack of funds, that will probably have to wait a few more months. I know blogging won't do much except maybe add to the clutter that had already been uploaded online, but I just really felt the need to write about a stranger that changed my life, along with millions of others, by being different.

If you're not aware of just how awesome Steve Jobs was, please take the time to educate yourselves. Start with this: http://news.stanford.edu/news/2005/june15/jobs-061505.html It's quite lengthy, but I promise you it is seriously worth your time. "Stay hungry. Stay Foolish." Damn, he was brilliant. I can't stress it enough.

Thank you times infinity, Steve Jobs. I'm not sure what your religion is (wiki says you're Buddhist), but i'll be praying for you & your family. You've done so much for this world, it's time to rest. You will surely be missed, sir.

Today's Complaint: Commuting!

on Monday, October 3, 2011
Yesterday I had dinner plans with 2 of my girlfriends. We planned to meet at Shang 'cause I was coming from work, which is in Chino Roces, Makati, and I was only taking the train since my sister had the car with her all the way in Alabang. I thought, sure, fine, the train wasn't so bad. Boy, was I wrong.

I mean, I'm used to commuting. In fact, I used to commute all the time before I got driving privileges. --What can I say, I'm spoiled.

Anyway, for some crazy reason, the train was EXTRA full that night. One of my thesis mates, Gail, almost didn't make it out the Ayala Station. And when I got to my stop, I got one foot out of the door before a stampede pushed me back inside. Thank God this old man saw me and grabbed hold of my wrist and pulled me out. It was one crazy train ride. I HATE RUSH HOUR.

Today's Complaint: Ordinary People

on Wednesday, September 28, 2011
We've all made mistakes. But you know what the difference is between YOU and ME? I'm thinking about making a few more. I take them as adventures. And rather than avoiding them, I'm gonna face them head on. I may do things the unusual way, but who dictates what is normal nowadays anyway? The basis for normal changes everyday. Who's to say my unusual now will be considered normal in the future?

I guess I'm just tired of being labeled as weird or different. Mind you, I choose to be different. In fact, I'd choose different over ordinary any day. YOU CHANGE.

Today's Complaint: Alcohol + Office Parties

on Saturday, September 24, 2011
Yes. One little word that doesn't seem like much, but means so much. Following the question, "Shots?", that word is all you need to send your life spiraling out of control.

I'm pretty sure I made a fool of myself. --Well, I don't really remember much, so who can really say? But I think it's safe to say, a bunch of them probably think less of me now. FML

Which only means one other thing, come Monday morning, I have to be extra brilliant. I can't let this get to me. Fuck.

Only He could have predicted this. I don't deserve anything. At least once you know you've hit rock bottom, things can only get better. Well, I hope this is rock bottom. I can't imagine anything worse that could possibly happen to me.

Today's Complaint: Passion.

on Friday, August 19, 2011
I've lost my drive.

Maybe it's because of my intensely busy schedule. I'm taking up 23-units this term (18 is the usual full load). And apart from that, I'm an officer in another organization. Publications Manager for the AdCreate Society, to be specific. My last class, which is LAW, ends at 7.30 pm on some days and since training starts at 6, I usually miss the first half of it. & by that time, I'm usually so lazy to go to training already. Also, starting September, I'll be having my OJT. That will probably be 10 am to 7 pm everyday. EVERYDAY. Training is 6 to 9 or even 10 pm. And coming from Makati (fingers crosses the company we applied for accepts us), I'll probably arrive for training at around 8 pm. Which, again, will be useless.

Maybe it's because I'm not part of any upcoming competition until I graduate. No Skechers. --I auditioned, but didn't get in the compet team. No Crissa. --They cancelled it this year. No UAAP. --I'd have graduated by then. No Lactacyd. --My upcoming schedule can't handle it.

Maybe it started when I realized I had nothing left to train for. I probably only go to training out of routine and not anything else. I'm hollow, moving to beats and sounds I can't actually hear. I'm not that same person that allows herself to get lost in the music anymore. I'm training for the sake of training.

And you want to know something honest? It scares me. Dance was the only thing I could turn to. It was that one thing I promised I wouldn't let go of in my life. But living as I am now, with the hustle and bustle of my everyday life, I think I've lost it.


Today's Complaint: Stupid people who have stupid complaints.

on Wednesday, August 10, 2011

I know I already blogged today, but when I checked my email just a little while ago, I was greeted by an email by a very crazy person. I just knew I had to complain about it.

First of all, I highly respect Green & White. What they're doing is very difficult. Imagine, they do this year in and year out. They contact the photographers and turn SPS 505 into a mini studio (complete with lights and a hair and make-up team) and take pictures of thousands of students within a period of a term. And then they compile write-ups, extra photos and information about every student and make sure everything is correct.

Next, this girl, this Katherine Lim (yes, i'm not even censoring her name, if that even is your real name), stated in her email that only students who have three or less terms before graduation are allowed to sign up for the yearbook. Girl, you are so wrong. I signed up for yearbook last year, along with my block mates. I'll be graduating next year on February. So, basically, I had around 5 or 6 terms left when I signed up for yearbook.

Also, there are really different ID numbers on the yearbook because different courses take different years to finish. Most College of Business courses takes around 3 or 4 years, while Engineering courses take roughly about 5 years (& that's only if they don't fail anything). So, to be logical, why will you avail of your yearbook if you're not even graduating yet? And it's not like you know your ENTIRE batch. If your blocks wants to sign up for yearbook, then sign up with your block! Plus, in college, some people end up being delayed and graduate later than their batch mates. It's not like high school wherein you all graduate the same time. Graduation can happen in October, in February, and even in June. Seriously, are you even from DLSU???

So, to answer your question, yes, you are the only person who is complaining about this. You should just go jump off a bridge now. (like what you said in your email) Their system is actually quite efficient, and if there was a better way, I think they would have implemented it by now. You're stupid.

Today's Complaint: Congestion.

To the University Student Government (and other concerned offices):

I remember enrolling in DLSU because in my opinion, it was the best school for me. One of the things I liked about it was the amenities. –The fact that classrooms had air conditioning and that there were many places to hang out between classes. You didn’t need to go outside of campus anymore. I thought I chose the right university for me, but now, I’m starting to regret my decision.

Don’t get me wrong, I love DLSU. But there are really days when I just want to burn this school to the ground, like times when I remember the dress code policy that SOMETIMES doesn’t make sense (You’re not allowed to wear sleeveless unless without a vest, but the vest can be sleeveless. Also, you’re not allowed to wear wedges. –Seriously?! What’s up with vests and wedges? I don’t get it.) and times when the Wi-Fi connection just doesn’t work after countless attempts (especially when you need it the most!)

So, to whoever body is concerned regarding my concerns, this is for you.

First you take away our last remaining patch of grass. You decide to put up a centennial building. Okay, fine. Go right ahead. Eventually, students will benefit from it anyway. I'll let that one slide.

Next, just as batch 111 enters campus, you decide to renovate the LS building. HELLO, don’t you know how many College of Business students there are?! It’s crazy! Instead of having all my classes (all 23 units of it!) in the main campus, I’m forced to walk back and forth from Andrew to Yuch and sometimes even to Miguel. And with other students doing the same during that 10-minute interval, it becomes one whole mass of human traffic. If you haven’t noticed, then you aren’t a very concerned student government.

And then as a result of the renovation of the LS building, faculties and offices were forced to move into the North and South conserve. And at the same time, you took away Medrano Hall as well. WHERE ARE WE SUPPOSED TO MEET FOR GROUP WORKS AND DISCUSSIONS?! –Okay, you’re probably thinking, “Ang arte naman ng mga lasallista, may yuch lobby pa naman, sj walk, central or even amphi.” Well, to address that, let me just tell you what else you have failed to consider.

1. Yuch Lobby
There’s always an event in yuch lobby. If not booths, there are always tables set up for some talk or pakain or whatever. My org was supposed to have our meeting there today, but then these people told us to move because they had to set up the place. And now they closed the entire other half and set up buffet tables.

2. SJ Walk
You literally have to kill for tables that are near outlets. Also, orgs usually reserve them for ticket selling or for some other cause. With limited tables, chances are slim for you to be able to find a table without a reservation.

3. Central
There are no tables in central. What do you want us to do? Have a meeting standing up? Try to finish our final paper while holding our laptops in one hand and typing with the other? And also, as I’m writing this, there’s an event happening in central so they closed off the entire area. You have to pass the back, towards SJ. SO STUPID! The school is so congested, people are already hitting each other and still you haven’t really done anything to address the problem, except have more events in line of the Centennial Celebration.

4. Amphi
The only time I’ll work in amphi at 2 in the afternoon is if it’s a very very VERY cloudy day. If you sit in amphi for even just 5 minutes, you’ll burn. No joke. How do you expect to finish anything with the sun directly on your face and you sweating like a guy who just ran a marathon?

Okay, I might sound so exagge, but I swear it’s true. And so now you might be thinking, the library. There’s always room in the library! Now, if you’re studying alone, the library would be the best place to go. But if you’re meeting with a group, discussing maybe your org party or even your final campaign, you can’t whisper the whole time. It’s quite unfair for those who go there to really study, or (unfortunately) sleep.

From what I’ve seen (and experienced) students end up going out of campus to meet or hang out during breaks. This eventually leads to students cutting class (being too tamad to walk back to campus) or worse, drinking. (Trust me, college makes you feel liberal. If your block drinks, you’ll drink.)

I’m not saying the school is a dump. Or that this is true for all students. I just want everyone to realize that there is a problem. And as soon as batch 112 steps into campus, it might be an even bigger problem. So, DLSU, fix yourself. Please. (Hopefully) I’ll be gone next year. And I don’t want my younger brother to go through any of these. I’d rather he go to a BLUE university (fingers crossed he doesn’t) instead of going to DLSU, if they keep up with this problem.

Keep Calm and Just Complain.

on Sunday, August 7, 2011
Found this awesome Keep Calm-o-matic Generator. Made myself one. --Oor rather, a few. you know, for future use such as "Keep Calm and Then Die" and "Keep Calm and Stay Awesome"

Anyway, made the perfect one that is probably my life motto.

Makes sense, I'd like to think so.

Today's Complaint: My grandfather.

on Saturday, August 6, 2011
Let me start off with this: I hate my paternal grandfather.

Okay, before negative thoughts enter your mind with how I must be crazy for hating someone who is thought to be a kind and gentle creature, let me explain my relationship with my grandfather. There is none. And more than anything, he makes my life a living hell.

My family lives with my grandparents. Technically, it's my grandmother's house, but Bert (that's his name) treats it as if it's his own and he never lets any of us forget it. So, let me cite instances when he's being a douche (by that, I mean those instances when he's more douche-y than usual, 'cause he's a douche 100% of the time)

1. It was my finals week and I had to print 10 copies of a colored storybook. I sent it off to the printers and one afternoon they called me saying there was a problem. I had to go to their office. Now the thing is, I had no car that day. My grandfather had both his cars in the garage. Now, I politely made my way to his room and asked if I could borrow one of them. He said no. He said I was irresponsible and that I would probably crash it. I called up my driver and asked him to drive me. I told Bert the driver would drive me. He said no. It's his cars and he can do whatever he wants with it. The office I had to go to was a mere 2 or 3 blocks away. He told me to walk. Really. REALLY. R-E-A-L-L-Y.

Still not convinced?

(To understand this second one, please keep in mind that my grandfather is OBESE)
2. We once ate out at Shakey's. He asked me to cut him a slice of pizza. When I was handing him the slice, he was pushing it away and telling me he only wanted half. And since I don't believe that that fat bastard is ever on a diet, I kept shoving him the whole pizza slice just telling him to take the whole damn thing. He pushed it away and it fell on the floor. He got mad at me. He said I'm such a waste. Then he cut himself half a slice. When the whole pizza was finished, guess what he did. (trust me, you wouldn't be able to guess) HE PICKED UP THE PIECE THAT FELL ON THE FLOOR. Seriously?! SERIOUSLY.

Oh, here's a good one. That only happened like a couple of minutes ago. (The reason why I'm actually writing this blog because I'm very pissed off)

3. My sister has her friends over tonight. They ordered food and bought drinks. I'm sitting on our dinning room table doing some work while eating. Yeah, I'm a multi-tasker, I swear. So anyway, my sister gave me speakers and told me to play music. So I did. Then Bert shows up and obviously walks towards me because he sees food and grabs himself a plate. Then he starts getting mad at me telling me to lower down the music 'cause Pam has friends over and they're trying to talk and they can't talk with all the music playing. I told him Pam told me to play music. And it's like he wasn't listening to me 'cause he was like telling me what's wrong with you can't you see they don't want music. YEAH BERT. THEY REALLY DON'T WANT MUSIC. THEY ONLY MAKE REQUESTS EVERY NOW AND THEN.


AAAAAHHHHHHH I SWEAR I HATE HIM. And I only mentioned 3 instances. I probably have like 10, just at the top of my head. He's an asshole. I kind of hope he dies soon, but I know it's unfair to wish for that. And I can't hate him completely. He did contribute one good, no, make that GREAT, thing in this world. & that's my dad. And Dear Lord, please don't make my dad anything like him. Please please please.

Today's Complaint: Clearance.

on Monday, August 1, 2011
So, last week I logged on to my my.lasalle account (side note: I attend college at De La Salle University and we have a university portal where students can log on and enroll for courses, check their grades and etc.) to check my clearance. Enrollment was going to be next week (which is this week, specifically tomorrow) and I had to be declared CLEARED from all departments to be able to enroll. --My last term, nonetheless. When I clicked on the 'View Clearance' link, BOOM. Guess what I saw.

Apparently, what sprung from my 23-unit term + org work + training was that I forgot to return 4 books in the library, pay the remaining 1/3 balance of my tuition, and do my 4 hours of community service. --Okay, so the community service part I was totally avoiding, but the others, I had no clue about. Out of fear that I wasn't going to be able to enroll, I really stressed in fixing everything. That was on a Thursday. Today is a Monday. I just checked my my.lasalle account again and...

YAY. I can enroll for tomorrow! So, I guess, this wasn't really a complaint. More of a rave. Or whatever is the opposite of a rant. Toodles! (okay, wtf? I don't know either.)